Ancestral Clearing


Using The Return To Love Frequencies (SRTLFs) To Clear Out Your Known And Unknown Ancestral Past

From Supercoherence Practitioner Sandra Fiquet

All steps should be done on each side separately – the right side/right hand, then the left side/left hand, and then holding with both hands in the middle.

This is done with NO photographs and NO names, only with the note and the image of the Divine Mother.
By doing so, this clearing isn’t restricted to your current mother or father but ‘goes up the generations chain’.  It is also important to do this clearing with your eyes closed as you do not want to be distracted with the ‘Now’.

  1. Write the note ”Myself with all the memories, ancestral memories, conditionings and ancestral conditionings passed on to me from my mother”.
  1. Hold the note with the Divine Mother photograph on the left, then the right, and then with both hands in the middle for 10 minutes each time whilst also holding the SRTLFs.
  1. Then write the note ”Myself with all the memories, ancestral memories, conditionings and ancestral conditionings passed on to me from my father”.
  1. Hold the note with the Divine Mother photograph on the left, then the right, and then with both hands in the middle, for 10 minutes each time whilst also holding the SRTLFs.
  1. Just before the end of holding, make the statement out loud “I love and accept myself exactly as I am, and I love and accept [my mother / my father] exactly as s/he is”.

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies Kit (SRTLFs)

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies (SRTLFs) Kit

