Zero Point Alignment with the Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies


Zero Point Alignment – The Master Alignment for Human Super function

Entering the Realm of Grace and Miracles

This unique process seeks to balance the opposing energetic polarities which together make up the whole being. We have an emotional, non-linear creative aspect and a logical, analytical, linear aspect. They are meant to work in harmony, but very often there is a dominance of one over the other, to the detriment of both. This state of imbalance can have serious consequences at every level and in every aspect of our lives.

In Chinese philosophy the “Dao” or Tao, the Middle Way is considered the ideal state of being. This becomes possible when the Yin/Yang – energies are in balance and not in conflict.

Using VRIC Imaging it is actually possible to assess this aspect objectively and redress the imbalance with precision, in an objective manner. Then we use the SRTLFs to re-align the human energy system to Zero Point – the point of clarity and possibility. This re-alignment restores the whole energy system to its own perfect central point of function and gives it the means to create optimum function at every level. This process was tested extensively in 2008-2009 and works across the board.

We believe this is the most profound and powerful process for radical transformation. It is unlike any other process available on the planet at this time.

Why is Zero Important?

  • Zero – the Alpha and the Omega
  • The Central point – the  Beginning and the End point
  • The Point of the Optimum
  • Neither More nor Less
  • The Ultimate Balance Point
  • The Point of Clarity and Neutrality

Why Miracles Happen with the Zero point Alignment

  • Accessing   Zero  Point – The VOID of Pure Potential, Possibility and Power
  • The Neutral Implant
  • The Master Re-set Button neutralising the Lethal Load of Past Suffering in the Unconscious and in the Bio-light Field
  • Beyond Cause and Effect – Beyond Karma
  • Touching the Source Code of Human Super-consciousness

Zero Point Alignment

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies Kit (SRTLFs)

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies (SRTLFs) Kit
