Clearing Your Family Relationships


Imprints Of Family Relationships

This is the first step we suggest, to get the most benefit from the Supercoherence RTLFs. The process is powerful and works for everyone. We strongly recommend that you do this process as soon as possible.

Take out your family photos. It is important to have separate ones of your Father and Mother, and of your brothers and sisters and one of yourself as a baby.
You should also have one of your parents together.
It is good if you also have a single photo of your whole family when you were a child or a teenager. This is a good starting point.
Please do this process even if a parent or other family member has passed on.

Even though you may have other relationships which may be challenging right now, it is better to clear the timeline as far back as possible.
You can clear your energetic relationship with anyone using this process, but do the family first.

Please Note:

All steps should be done on each side separately – the right side/right hand, then the left side/left hand, and then holding with both hands in the middle.

If you do not have your parents’ photographs you may write their full names on a piece of a paper and use them instead.

If you do not know who your parents were, you may write “my biological father in this lifetime” or “my biological mother in this lifetime” as a note instead of using a photo.


  • Hold the green round SRTLF in the right hand and the pink drop SRTLF in the left hand at the same time.
  • Take each photo of your family members, one at a time, along with the photo of the Divine Mother and the Supercoherence RTLFs and hold for five to ten minutes on one side, then repeat for the other side, then repeat holding with both hands in the middle.
  • Just before the end of holding, make the statement out loud “I love and accept myself exactly as I am, and I love and accept [name the person you are working with] exactly as s/he is”.
  • Repeat this process with the photos of everyone in your family, not forgetting to also do it with the photo of yourself as a baby. Do the same with the photo of the whole family.

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies Kit (SRTLFs)

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies (SRTLFs) Kit
