Effects Of Divorce On Children


Divorce happens. They say that 1 in 2 marriages today result in divorce or breakdown.

Not fun and not funny for the parties involved. Two good people may not get along and relationships may end for many reasons. Even with the best intent on both sides to minimise the damage to the children, they can be troubled and unhappy as their world shakes and the stability is gone. Am I loved? Will I be okay? Did I do something wrong?

Can anything be done to help mitigate this insecurity and unhappiness on all sides?

This is one radical new solution that has emerged as a result of fifteen years of research using VRIC imaging, the Zero Point Alignment process and Supercoherence coaching.

The following case demonstrates in visual terms, more than any words can say what really takes place for this little girl at this very real, but hidden level – that is hidden until now.

Effect of divorce on children

It is important to understand that the unhappiness of the parents impacts the children and will do so whether they divorce or separate or not. I am in no way advocating that divorce is wrong or right – each individual soul has the right and the responsibility to find their happiness and radiance, unwilling sacrifices do not work. We have seen this through VRIC Imaging over many years.

The simple beautiful solution that the SRTLFs offer is that with grace, the pain and the emotional charge is neutralised and the cycle of suffering is broken. This is life changing – no talking, counselling or analysis, no blame and no shame, just a simple acceptance of our humanity.

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies Kit (SRTLFs)

Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies (SRTLFs) Kit
